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  • searches 

    • patentability research and advice, 

    • patent infringement assistance, 

    • freedom-to-operate (FTO) analysis, 

    • patent technology landscape searches, 

    • competitor review,

    • sector activity worldwide.

  • drafting patent filing and prosecution 

  • patent due diligence 

  • assignments of patents 

  • patent licensing agreements 

  • recordal of changes affecting the rights of a patent

  • patent amendments

  • enforcing patent rights


Life Science, Chemistry, Engineering


  • trade mark availability searches 

  • filing and prosecution of trade mark applications to registration

  • trade mark renewals

  • trade mark related recordals including assignments, mergers, registered users and changes in proprietor details

  • trade mark licensing

  • trade mark portfolio management

  • trade mark oppositions

  • company name objections

  • trade mark infringement advice and assistance

  • cancellation / expungement of trade mark proceedings

  • unlawful competition / passing-off


  • proprietor, designer and novelty searches

  • preparation, filing and prosecution to registration of local and foreign design applications

  • local and foreign design renewals

  • assignments and licensing of designs

  • recordal of proprietor change of name and/or address

  • design infringement proceedings and related litigation

  • design infringement evaluation

  • design portfolio management


  • assignments and other agreements relating to copyright

  • copyright licensing

  • infringement evaluation

  • commercial dispute resolution, arbitration & litigation


  • local and foreign plant breeders’ rights applications and prosecution, including test trial & importation procedures

  • South African and foreign plant variety listing applications

  • local and foreign plant breeders’ rights enforcement and related litigation

  • local and foreign plant breeders’ rights searches

  • plant breeders’ rights infringement searches and opinions

  • licensing of plant breeders’ rights

  • local and foreign plant breeders’ rights renewals

  • plant material and seed sale licence and agreements 

  • PAIA applications to gain access to plant breeders’ rights files in terms of the promotion of access to information act


  • licensing, joint ventures and collaborations

  • sales and other forms of disposal of IP rights, including warranty protection

  • IP due diligence and verification, including related agreements

  • risks in licensing, joint venture and non-compete arrangements, including related to the settlement of patent disputes

  • distribution, agency, contract manufacture, supply, sponsorship and other commercial agreements

  • IP-backed asset financing and taking security interests over IP assets, including royalty monetisation agreements

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